1. Mom from Manila | Ramblings of a Mom about love, life and everything else in between: Feels Great to be Back

Monday, June 22, 2009

Feels Great to be Back

It feels that I have been totally disconnected to the world since I was not able to use the computer for almost four days. No, I did not have any problem with my internet connection. The problem was my PC needs the touch of a repairman. A webcam was actually given to me by my brother who lives (and works) in Singapore. But then when we tried to use it, it was not compatible to the operating system that have been installed in my PC. It needs Windows application but my PC has Linux installed. I am not a techie person and I know nothing about hardware/software installation. It's good that one of my cousins was just a text away. Instead of just fixing on the problem, he decided to take a few steps furhter. He asked me to buy some blank CDs and copied the piles of pictures and videos that I have been keeping for years. All the files have been saved on other CDs as well. And I was so happy after because I was able to have two operating systems installed on my PC now. And mostly because I have never worked with a speed like this before.

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