1. Mom from Manila | Ramblings of a Mom about love, life and everything else in between: Remembering Delilah

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Remembering Delilah

Our pit bull, Delilah, died about two weeks ago. She had been with the family for almost three years now. She was already a big dog when she was given to us by a family friend. I was actually hesitant especially since she is a pit bull. Pit bulls have been ill-known for their temper and their jaws that lock when they bit. You could perhaps see the scare in me especially since we are not the one that raised this dog. But that changed when I saw her. She was unlike other pit-bull that looked like they came from hell. Yes, she was muscular and she was bigger than other dogs. What really got me are her eyes. She has these puppy-eyes that you cannot resist. And she was really intelligent and well trained. She knows every member of the family, even those that rarely visits us. She can catch a ball and bring it back to you. And she easily stops barking with just a hiss from anyone of us. My kid loves her so much that he was the one that bathes her whenever possible. We were all sad when we woke up and saw her dead. We’ve been thinking what could have caused her death. She was just too playful when we arrived as always. We suspect, it could be old age, since she was already nine years old. Dogs are said to have a life span of eight to ten years depending on lifestyle. When she died, she was buried by Hubby and the kid even made sure that her tomb is marked. Now, the kid is asking me to get another dog. Should I give in? I guess I better do a lot of research first.


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