1. Mom from Manila | Ramblings of a Mom about love, life and everything else in between: Pre Pregnancy Tips

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pre Pregnancy Tips

As I have mentioned here, we are working on having another baby. This means frequent trips to the OB-Gyne. It is good that I have a cousin-in-law who is a professional on this field. I actually find it hard to open up things about sexuality on a person I know nothing about. On my last visit to her, she shared me some tips on how to improve the likelihood of being pregnant again. Since I have been diagnosed with PCOS, I was prescribed medicines to address the hormonal imbalance that is causing my menstrual dysfunction. I’d like to share some of her tips here.
  1. Prior to being pregnant, a hopeful mom should ensure that she eats a healthy diet. It should have a good amount of protein and less in carbohydrates, especially for someone with PCOS because it is also said as a pre-Diabetic condition. I was told to ensure lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. And being the non-milk drinker that I am, I was sworn to drink at least a glass each day or take in calcium supplements.
  2. I am also advised to monitor my body weight. I was shown how to compute my body mass index (BMI). She said that judging from my BMI, I am still in good shape.
  3. We were also told to time our intercourse. She said most couple made the mistake of doing the deed everyday because they think it would give them the most awaited double lines. The truth is, doing it every other day throughout the month is better and ensuring that there is a contact on the week of the women’s fertility increase the chance of pregnancy.
There are still a lot of tips that we were told but I guess the above mentioned are the most important ones. To date, I am now three days delayed. I took a pregnancy test yesterday but it was a big fat negative. We are not losing hope though. If it’s not gonna be this month, there are still more months to come. God will surely deliver our baby in His time.


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