1. Mom from Manila | Ramblings of a Mom about love, life and everything else in between: Vertigo, Here You Go Again!

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Vertigo, Here You Go Again!

After almost four years of not having Vertigo attacks, it visited me again just last week. I almost forgot that I had vertigo till it paid another ugly visit on me.

Vertigo /ˈvɜrtɨɡoʊ/ (from the Latin vertō "a whirling or spinning movement"[1]) is a type of dizziness, where there is a feeling of motion when one is stationary.[2] The symptoms are due to a dysfunction of the vestibular system in the inner ear.[2] It is often associated with nausea and vomiting as well as difficulties standing or walking.

When it showed up four years ago, sysmptoms were rare but I got really scared. Apart from the nausea and vomiting, I loss my sight for about ten minutes. Unluckily, I was alone in the house that day. I was blind but had to find my way to grab the phone and call my husband and the office because I was supposed to have my shift in 3 hours. When hubby came in, he saw me crying in the room, vomiting on the side and confused on what I should do. Since, I do not know yet that it was vertigo, I was thinking what could have happened to me. My world was literally spinning. I could not even stand or walk without any help. I need someone to hold on to just to stand up. When the blindness went away, I asked Hubby to accompany me to the nearest hospital. When we get there, the ER doctor asked me to lay down and gave a shot of some medications. I fall asleep and when I woke up, I was told they gave me relaxants and I was told I had to take in some meds for the next two weeks. I was also told to limit coffe or any caffeinated drinks as studies are showing that caffeine heightens the attacks of vertigo in some patients. That was the last time I experienced vertigo till last week. Early morning when I got up from bed, I already felt dizzy. I didn't think that it was vertigo already. I was able to go to work though I cannot say that I function properly. I was burdened not just with dizziness but with occasional urges of vomiting as well. When I was on my way home, I was yawning a lot in the train and even in the jeepneys. When I arrived home, the dizziness heightened up and was already creating a lot of discomfort on me. Needless to say I was able to sleep but I was not able to get up the next day. My head is spinning so is my world. It was as if the whole area revolves. I dreaded another atack of vertigo but true enough like other illness it will strike you when it is least expected, when you are to busy worrying about a lot of things. Yes, the doctor said the main reason why I had the attack was because I was to stressed. Yes, it is indeed my body's way of telling me to lighten up and take some rest. The sad part is that I had to bear the agony of vertigo because I am not to take any anti-vertigo pills since I am also trying to conceive. Doctors tell me just to rest and take some leave from work. If the attacks heightens, I can take as much as one pill a day just to lower down the dizziness.

Guess, I might be staying home for the next couple of months.


  1. i get that once in a while, i was told ear candling can help.. xo

  2. Hy,
    chanced upon your space while blog hopping...glad I stopped by..
    awesome space you have..very interesting presentation..
    Am your happy follower now..:)
    do stop by mine sometime..
    Tasty Appetite

  3. My mom has that. The doctor advised that she stay away from artificial seasonings and chips.

    Coffee With Kim


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