1. Mom from Manila | Ramblings of a Mom about love, life and everything else in between: Food Trip Friday: Cinnamon Rolls

Friday, April 22, 2011

Food Trip Friday: Cinnamon Rolls

My kitchen life nowadays is mostly about baking. It has been my destressor for the past few months. I have always been on the look out for good baking recipes. Our kitchen is beaming with the smell of cinnamon, vanilla and nutmeg the past couple of months. I want to brag about my most recent kitchen experiment and how it turned out really delicious. Much to my delight, even Hubby who is not fond of cinnamon rolls devoured an entire piece with his favorite brewed coffee. The best thing about this is that I am selling the fruit of my labors. Orders are now pouring in and most of them are from husband's officemates.


  1. Baking is one of my frustrations... wala kasi kaming oven. Masarap ang cinnamon rolls kapag fresh from the oven.

    Hopping here from Food Trip Friday, if you have time, please check out Felicity Patisserie, my FTF post this week. Thanks a lot!

  2. I only know how to make Cinnamon from Pillsbury's ready to bake, I don't know how to make it from scratch,whenever I'm craving for one, I just buy from Cinnabon.

    My Own Food Trip At happy Meals

  3. Congratulations, Mommy! Your hard labor paid off! I hope you can visit my entry, too. Thanks! http://www.delightmyappetite.com/2011/04/food-trip-friday-philly-cheese-steak/

  4. i also love to eat cinnamon rolls with coffee. only with coffee...=)

    mine is up and hope you're into buffets:

  5. Best for snacks! My entry is here, Little World of Fun and do you mind to visit me here, too? Thanks Anne’s Sweet Life

  6. i love cinnamon rolls and the smell of cinnamon makes me feel good! btw, i'm your newest follower and wishing you a great week! -PinayMum - Mommy's Life Around...

  7. I'm a Pinay living in India. We don't have as many good bakeshops around here unlike Manila or Pinas. I'm a stay at home mom that's why I eventually learned how to bake. From banana cake, chocolate cake, Red velvet cake, ensaymade among others.. And yes one of my favorites to make is Cinnamon Rolls! -Ima


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