1. Mom from Manila | Ramblings of a Mom about love, life and everything else in between: Baking for a Healthier Me

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Baking for a Healthier Me

Me + Baking = Healthy

This is the equation of my life these days. I have started in reviving my passion for baking which was buried deep within me simply because I don't have an tools. I had the chance to bake way back high school days (oh, please stop asking what year that was). I enjoyed it or better to say I super- duper enjoyed those days. It was really nice to work in the kitchen. I never had a sweet tooth but I always loved making pastries and the likes. It was Christmas 2009, when my brothers surprised me with an oven. Much to my delight, that very same Christmas, I made my very first Chicken Galantina. Mothers Day of last year, Hubby gave me a hand held mixer. That was the time that I started to hunt for baking recipes here and there.

Just recently, I have been really burnt out with all the works at home and at the office. I decided I would like to take a leave out of the usual routines of my life. I took out the mixer, bought some good (read: pricey) ingredients and started to make the recipes I have been keeping for months now to come to life. Voila, results are good (at least for someone who had not been baking for years now). I am thankful because it does not only give me an outlet for destressing but three months after it is not giving me extra income. So , I guess the equation could still change in the future. i have to finish this post and head right to the kitchen, I have to finish the cinnamon rolls that is starting to smell from my oven.

Oh , I almost forgot, my Dad also gave me a bigger mixer as a present for my last birthday. And if you are wondering about those cinnamon rolls at my oven, I will post images of them later.


  1. Oh I love cinnamon rolls. You just made me crave for some right now! Haha! Anyway, I just read the comment that you left on my profile on Bloggy Moms. So nice to find another fellow Pinay there. I'm following you back now. Have a great day!

  2. Wow! I so envy you! I too love to bake but I don't have the equipment. We don't have an oven. And I refuse to use the "bake" and "oven" settings of a turbo broiler. It's just not the same, in my opinion. Plus, your family has been giving you mixers and blenders! Wow!

    You should start selling your goodies, you know! It might just jumpstart your baking business! :D

    By the way, mommy...I want to let you know that I have awarded you and your blog with The Versatile Blogger Award. You can read all about it here:




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