1. Mom from Manila | Ramblings of a Mom about love, life and everything else in between: The long wait is over

Friday, March 27, 2009

The long wait is over

A few days from now, I will be celebrating my 33rd year here on Earth. As most of us, I have my birthday wishes as well. You see, I lost my mom, a few months back. On her wake, I have been trying to look ahead to this day. This is going to be my first birthday without her usual morning greeting. As in, kahit galit sya or masama ang loob nya sa akin, she never fails to greet me. I know I will no longer hear her greetings on my birthday but she sure has her way of sending me a birthday present from heaven. She visited my dreams a few day's back. I could not contain my joy as I hugged her tight, she just smiled her usual smile. And then she was gone, again. I was already happy when I woke up that day. I never really expected to receive any birthday present from her. Though as I can remember during her wake, someone told me that I can whisper her a wish and she will directly request it to God. I did whisper her something, but I know she knows what my heart is asking. Three days before my birthday, God already gave me the two lines that we have always been praying for. Yes, that's two lines for a positive pregnancy test. That is after three years of waiting.

two lines=positive

My period was due nine days ago but it did not came. Thanks, Mom, for making sure I still have something to be happy about on my birthday. Thanks so much for giving the most wonderful birthday gift. God indeed answers prayers.

Oh, and would you believe me posibilidad na maging kabirthday ng Mama ko ang baby na ito pag nagkataon?!


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