1. Mom from Manila | Ramblings of a Mom about love, life and everything else in between: MM : Food, Movies and Scrapblogs

Friday, October 07, 2011

MM : Food, Movies and Scrapblogs

I so love the theme of this month's Mommy Moments. Mommies will be talking about the least of the person they are concerned about, themselves. Admit it or not, mommies, in the course of taking care of their families,most often that not, forget about themselves. We normally drown ourselves with the needs of our family that a lot of times we forget that we are also in need of some pampering.

For this week, let us talk about our hobbies. Ever since I could remember, I have always been a foodie. I love to eat though a lot of those who know me personally says that my body is really good in not showing it. Apart from consuming food, I also love creating them. Yes, I love to cook and bake. If given the chance to study again, I would definitely love to go to a culinary school. Our kitchen is always busy especially during my restdays because that is my haven. It is where I find peace and I love the aroma of food from my own kitchen. I am so into cooking that I decided to devote my second blog to my second love. I hope you could drop by Mom from Manila Cooks.

Mom from Manila Cooks

Apart from food, other things that occupies my time are movies and TV series. Right now, I am so into the Vampire Diaries that even Hubby gets excited when I tell him that a new episode is about to be shown. I also love musicals so I easily got hook with Glee. When it comes to movies, we mostly watched sci-fi but when I am with Hubby, we both love romantic movies such as The Notebook, our fave of all-time. I am also always on the look out for new cooking shows or new episodes of the old ones. My personal favorite would be Chef Michael Smith's Chef at Home. Just recently, my attention was also caught by one local teleserye, 100 days.

I also love to do online scrapbooking. I really don't do this most of the time but it is one of my stress relievers. I feel so creative using this online scrapbooking tools. in the future, i wanna learn how to use photo editors like Gimp or Photoshop.

Mom from manila scrapbooks

If you wanna know what other things we are best in doing apart from parenting, just head on to Mommy Chris' site.

mommy moments


  1. wow, i have been interested in digital scrapbooking but i think i dont have the artsy-ness in me! :D hahaha

    happy mommy moments! glad you joined us this week. its fun to know more about you! :D

  2. I digiscrap once in a while but the time to spare, as always - very little is of big concern. Your creations are so chic! love the color combi! Anyway, I do have a photo-postcard meme that you might want to join...www.postcard-perfect.com :) - Mirage (http://me.gmirage.com)

  3. dropping by your food blog..as in--NOW!

    <a herf="http://www.mommypeach.com>The Mommy Who Never Sleeps</a>

  4. One of these days, I'll try to do online scrapbooking. I don't know how to do it but I'm kinda interested :-)

    Thanks for sharing your hobbies and interests. Thanks also for visiting my blog. Have a nice week!

  5. Indeed, our hobbies are our stress busters. If only we have time to do them as often as we can, then we would be happier mommies, I think! Thanks for visiting my MM entry!


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