1. Mom from Manila | Ramblings of a Mom about love, life and everything else in between: To homeschool or not

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

To homeschool or not

I was watching a rerun of a local documentary show the other day and it really made me think about homeschooling. Yes, it was a re-run. I checked and found out that it wasd originally shown on national TV about five to six years ago. Yet, the message of the show still echoes to this day. It was pointing out the differences between the sexes inside the school premises. It pointed out that girls are working harder in schools as compared to boys. It even stated that girls are always outnumbering the girls in higher sections. It was alarming on my end, maybe because I have a young boy in school as well. I recalled how my boy was doing the past few years he had been in school. It made me realized that for the past few years those that are getting honors in their schools are mostly girls. An education specialist even stated on the show that men are born to have shorter attention span as compared to their counterpart. Boys are not good in symbols and this includes letters and numbers. But boys are always seen to excel in things where they do not only use their mind but their physical strength as well. Hmm, maybe the reason why most of our athletes are men. So, how did homeschooling came into the topic. You see, when you homeschool a child you work at the pace of that particular child. You do not subject a child to learn faster because others are learning that way. In homeschooling, parents as teachers, can work on what motivates a child and on what gets his attention. Yes, there are also set of curriculum for homeschooling but the good is that you can design your lessons to fit these curriculum and at the same time making your lessons enjoyable to your kid.

I am still way to far to homeschooling my kid. I mean, I would love to, but our schedules might not make it work for us. Perhaps , next year, we are going to give it a try.

1 comment:

  1. only few moms ever consider... but if you ever have that "curiousity".. maybe you should give it a try! :D

    we tried 2 years ago and we are still homeschooling until now!


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