1. Mom from Manila | Ramblings of a Mom about love, life and everything else in between: Mommy Moments: I Gotta Wear Shades

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mommy Moments: I Gotta Wear Shades

mommy moments

Jian has been a kid who loves to sport different get ups every now and then. As Hubby puts it, blame it on me being his mom. But, hey he actually looked good in whatever I asked him to wear. The sad thing is that even if I entice him to try his hand in the entertainment business, he just does not want to. Well, this mom is no differnt from other moms. Pardon me, but bragging about my cute son is actually one reason why I am keeping this blog.
Jian at age two, wearing Lola Adela´s big sunglasses.

Jian at age four. Kahit pango, bagay pa rin ang shades.

Well, just look at where he got the idea of wearing shades.

If your kid loves to wear shades, you better head to Mommy Chris´ site and share your pictures with us.


  1. hindi lang sa kanya bagay,pati na rin sa mommy at kay grammy! :)

  2. Jian is such a cutie with those big shades! Mine is here: http://www.pensivethoughts.com/2009/08/i-gotta-wear-shades.html

  3. Love the last pic sis!

    Me too, I keep a blog just to 'boast' to the world how beautiful my daughter is. ^_^

  4. your jian looks so cool in his shades, oversized or not. may pinagmanahan! heheh!

    btw, i would like to invite you to join my movie meme, Tuesday Couch Potatoes. hope to see you there! thanks!

  5. those are all lovely pictures especially the first one :)
    here's my entry :) http://recapturedmoments.blogspot.com/2009/08/mommy-moments-i-gotta-wear-shades.html


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