1. Mom from Manila | Ramblings of a Mom about love, life and everything else in between: S is for Strawberries on Nails

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

S is for Strawberries on Nails

I am loving memes nowadays perhaps because it gives me ideas on what to brag blog about. This week, while hopping in from one blog to another I was able to come accross a nice meme, hence I am joining in the fun.
S is for my strawberry shortcake inspired nails. I am so loving nail arts recently and have been bugging my sis-in-law to do them for me.


  1. Fun idea for S day. Welcome aboard the ABC weekly meme. Carver ABC-Wed. Team

  2. Love the nails!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. ay how nice... unique! my first time to see such a creative nail polish/painting


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