1. Mom from Manila | Ramblings of a Mom about love, life and everything else in between: Goodbye, Year of the Snake

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Goodbye, Year of the Snake

The Snake Year 2013 had left me with one living remembrance.  I gave life to our precious daughter this year. To say that the snake year was a year of struggle for us was an understatement.  After being hospitalized for ten days, I was rushed to the Delivery Room for an emergency ceasarian operation since my doctor can't control my blood pressure and they found out that my baby has been suffering in my womb because of my hypertension.  I delivered her prematurely at 32 weeks.  She was so tiny but she is a warrior.  She fought for her dear life and stayed at the NICU of the hospital for two months. She battled Pneumonia, Neonatal Sepsis, Jaundice and Necrotizing Enterocolitis. She undergone four blood transfusions.  On the other hand, we were battling with ballooning medical expenses because of this.  Friends and families helped us to live through our problems and because of that I will forever be indebted to these people.  Life is indeed a precious blessing, that's my biggest lesson for this year.  And because of this 2013 will always be a year etched in my heart forever.


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