Summarizing those lessons, I realized that Mom was giving me guidelines to live my life with.
1. Goodness begets goodness. Mama was the type of person who alaways sees the goodness in other. There are even times that we tend to disagree with her, she makes us realize that if we plant goodness, sooner these goodness will be given back to us. True enough, we witnessed how her goodness was generously given back not just to her but to us, as her family, when she was sick and even when she passed away. Relatives' and friends' support kept on coming, in the all sorts of form. Mama might not know it then but it was the law of karma that she was teaching us.
2. Give, even if sometimes it hurts. I only understood the essence of true giving when I became a Mom myself. Becoming a Mom entails a lot of giving, and yes most of the times it hurts. It starts when you get pregnant. Pregnancy is indeed a happy journey, but most moms would agree that there are also unpleasant experiences along the way. Just think about the morning sickness, the nausea, the backpains and actual delivery itself. But it is a process women had to endure to give life to her offspring and to give happiness to her husband. And delivery is not the end of it all. We continue to give while breastfeeding and while we let our kids take the most part of us, we sometimes forget about ourselves.
3. Let Go and Let God. This is the best lesson that Mom taught me by being a true example. When she got sick (she died of Bone Cancer), I have seen how she let go of every worries and let God to take care of her. She did not let her sickness to win over her body. While she was sick, she continued serving God and the church, in her ways. She prayed for her recovery, yes, but she also asked God to help us if in case she won't make it. And make it, she did. She might not have won the battle over Cancer but she showed us that if we stay together, we can work wonders.
Mom may be gone forever but her lessons linger. I promised myself to passed on these lessons to my kids and even hopes that others will also be benefited from these guidelines.